What Does Pivoting Mean in a Basketball Game? TSR


This is called their pivot foot, and players can pivot on this foot as much as needed. Their other foot is free to step and move, but the pivot foot must maintain contact with the ground. If a player, with the ball in his possession, raises his pivot foot off the floor, he must pass or shoot before his pivot foot returns to the floor. If he drops the ball while in the air, he may not be the first to touch the ball.

Former player teaches fundamentals at Oceanside JCC clinic – liherald.com

Former player teaches fundamentals at Oceanside JCC clinic.

Posted: Thu, 05 May 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]

This move is explained in detail on the Guard Moves and Skills page. The player may jump off that foot and simultaneously land on both. The head is centered above the lower body, and your hands are about chest high with your elbows bent and your arms close to your sides.

A reverse pivot would have the player pivoting, or stepping backwards (drop-stepping) in a clockwise motion. Just the opposite would be the case if the right foot were the pivot foot. Paul picks up his dribble at half-court and immediately gets double-teamed. He tries to spin around to pass, but drags his pivot foot and gets called for traveling. Players can pivot as many times as they want as long as they maintain the same pivot foot and keep it planted on the same spot on the court. They also have to shoot or pass the ball within five seconds.

How to Teach the Back Pivot Basketball Scoring Move

However, they cannot switch to the other foot after making their initial decision. In basketball, players in possession of the ball have a limited range of moves they can perform without being penalized. For example, they may only run while dribbling the ball.

Passing or shooting the ball requires at least one step forward, which means that you cannot just stand there after pivoting without any movement involved. A pivot should only be used to gain a positional or tactical advantage like maintaining balance, to get away from the opposing player or to protect the basketball. Once in the ready position following a two-foot jump stop, either foot may be used as the pivot foot.

basketball pivoting

When playing basketball, always keep your hands on the ball and dribble before you pivot foot leaves the court. Keep your feet together when moving so that you can move quickly and easily. The jab step is used to get defenders to move away or turn in an attempt to stop the offensive player.

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A pro hop happens at the end of https://bookkeeping-reviews.com/ session when you turn around and make another jumpsuit jump before landing back on two feet again. Make sure to execute this move properly so that you can improve your jumping technique. The jump-stop is an important part of a successful pro hop. It allows you to get your body in perfect position for your next jump and ensures that you land on all fours correctly. If you’ve ever tried to do a pro hop, you may have noticed that it’s not always easy to pivot the car after you’re done. This is because the car’s suspension usually doesn’t allow for a lot of movement in either direction.

A can accountants achieve a work moves the non-pivot foot and then moves the pivot foot before passing or shooting the basketball. The crossover can also be used without the basketball to cut off the offensive player on defense and to gain box-out position as a rebounder. Combining the ready position, crossover, jump step and two-foot jump-stop is a highly effective and disruptive use of proper defensive footwork. This move is highly effective in protecting the basketball when trapped by two defenders.

When conducting coaching clinics, I find this technique is unfamiliar to many coaches, although as far as I know, it has been around for almost 60 years. The tripod lunge step is the absolute best way to learn or improve a player’s ability to do an off-hand layup. Some footwork techniques included here are time-tested basic fundamentals. Others may be completely unfamiliar, but are widely used in other sports and are applicable to basketball.

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A perimeter player can catch the ball with a jump-stop, and the pivot into triple-threat position if necessary and use the non-pivot foot for executing jab-step fakes or a drive step. There is confusion over the rules and what is legal and what constitutes a traveling violation. It depends on whether you already have possession of the ball or not , and whether or not you have already used up the one-step that you are entitled to. Reading advantage and disadvantage comes back to understanding whether an offensive player has space or not.

You cannot hold onto the ball for more than five seconds once you’ve begun pivoting; if you try to do so, your movement may be disrupted and cause turnovers or missed shots. To do this, you need to be able to switch your pivot foot quickly and easily. With the help of Klay Thompson and Ryan Anderson, coach John Calipari demonstrates the fundamentals of shooting a basketball. After gaining control while on the floor and touching with other than hand or foot, may not attempt to get up or stand. Here in Australia we describe one as using the foot to the inside of the court (closest to the split-line).


Hen James Naismith invented basketball in the late 19th century, he was looking for a healthy indoor sport to tough out the Northeastern winters. Dribbling came later and traveling became a violation that limited players’ ability to run with the ball. Steps, e.g. landing on the right foot, putting down the left and displacing the right. The left foot can then be lifted, but may not be repositioned.

Can You Pivot Then Dribble in a Basketball Game?

A ball-handler may be able to pivot their way around a defender. Additionally, if a basketball player finds themselves in a tight spot, pivoting can help buy them some time to find an open teammate to pass the ball to. Pivoting may also help open a basketball player up to take a lay-up or a jump shot. FIBA Travel Rules National Federation of High Schools National Collegiate Athletic AssociationRule 4/Definitions, Section 50.


Try dribbling moves you would not normally attempt. Your baseline line foot should be back in order to force the ball-handler toward the baseline. As you approach the ball-handler, snap your shoulders and head back to help slow yourself down. Then call “go” and they resume the stationary footfire. Have them move right, left, forward and backward using correct sliding and stance, and no crossing of the feet. Your weight should be on the balls of your feet , and have your feet about shoulder width apart.

Important aspects of footwork are applied in the back pivot. It is a more “exciting” way to work on footwork. In the NBA, a player who attempts a field goal may not be the first to touch the ball if it fails to touch the backboard, basket ring or another player. In college rules, there is no longer possession or team control once the ball is in flight for a shot attempt. It is up to the referee’s discretion as to whether or not a legitimate field goal attempt was made.

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SEC Basketball Preview: Vanderbilt Commodores.

Posted: Thu, 20 Oct 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Lower your hands alongside the outside of your knees. Then spring upward with simultaneous force from not only the thigh muscles, but you also can get a lot of lift from springing off with your feet and ankles… Pushing off the tips of your toes (you can’t jump flat-footed!). When doing this landing , one foot lands first and then the second foot lands. When stopping, let the second foot to land extend wide from the back foot for better balance. Coach’s Clipboard Premium Membership WIN MORE GAMES with offenses, defenses, plays, drills, fundamentals, strategy, animations, video, Playbook download, youth section…

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In starting a dribble after receiving the ball while standing still, or coming to a legal stop, the ball must be out of the player’s hand before the pivot foot is raised off the floor. Entrepreneurs learn to pivot when they are trying to reach a goal in their business. It could be a competitor, a market change or a personal problem that causes a business person to pivot, but good ones learn to do it well.

Most players keep their entire foot on the floor when pivoting. Although commonly used, this not the best bio-mechanical way to place the foot on the floor. If the foot is flat, the player stands straight up instead of being low, balanced and powerful. Remember “heels up.” The pivot foot should contact the floor only with the area of the foot directly behind and across all the toes. A player who jumps off one foot on the count of one may land with both feet simultaneously for count two. Control ends when the defensive team deflects the ball or there is a field goal attempt.

Traveling can be complicated and is the cause of many pick up basketball game arguments. Everyone on the court, and in the stands, has their interpretation of it. Up and Down– A player leaves the floor attempting to pass or shoot but never releases the ball and comes back down to the floor. Pivot foot rules are a little different from league to league. There are more details on pivot foot establishmenthere.