James S. K. Makumbi

James S. K. Makumbi is a Software Developer and Chief Executive Officer at Billable Limited. with over fifteen years of experience in Uganda’s growing information technology industry, James has a passion for converting innovative technology ideas into viable, sustainable and resilient businesses that foster development and growth in Uganda’s economy.
James is also the current Chair of the ICT association of Uganda an organisation the unites all ICT private practitioners and private companies.
Colin Asiimwe

Colin is a communications and advertising strategist passionate about the evolution of communication. He has worked on various brands across the East African region on ideas and campaigns across multiple categories to deliver richer, fuller impact.
Strong on the ideation narrative and keen on insight mining, Colin’s passion to disrupt things has also led him into the start-up scene and is currently working with other young people across the region to build what they envision the future of East Africa to be; connected, African and smart.
Colin sees himself as a strong, conscious, growth focused outlier who understands the African nuance.
Joseph Kaizzi

Joseph is a tech enthusiast, seasoned marketer, developer and aspiring super hero who loves a good challenge. A computer science graduate from Makerere University in Uganda, Joseph has put his numerous skills to tackling worthy causes like improving access to ICTs for persons living in rural Ugandan communities. He currently serves as the CEO at ThinVoid Limited and the Director in charge of Development at the ICT Association of Uganda.Twitter: @thinvoid, @jkaizzi, @tambula1
Joshua Twinamasiko

Joshua Twinamasiko G is passionate about the power that technology has to transform the way we do business in Uganda and to change people’s lives. He is the Co-founder and Managing Director of PC Tech Magazine, one of the top websites in Uganda. He has over 8 years of working online in web development, digital communications and marketing. Joshua who calls himself a “serial entrepreneur” also runs Ora, an online store that sells themed and custom made T-Shirts and often speaks on the opportunities that the internet brings to young innovators doorsteps.