ICTAU Forum rules

The ICTAUg forum provide for everyone affected by ICTAUg to share their challenges and triumphs and get connected with others from around the country as well from around the world with similar experiences. The forum is a listserv. You use your regular email system, and send an email to a special address. That email is then sent to everyone who is subscribed to the forum; if another subscriber sends mail to that address you will receive it as well.

All ICTAUg members and alliance forum discussion are intended for those directly affected by the ICT sector in Uganda r for Uganda.  Because of the need for professional views mainly in the ICT sector  the ICTAUg typically open the discussions to professionals and key stake holders .


Because this is a open ICT forum dealing with ICT Related issues, the ICTAUg has established this policy document to define the rules governing online communication for the listservs and explain the nuances of message etiquette or “netiquette.” Please note that this policy and the guidance provided below are not all-inclusive. Although the ICTAUg has attempted to make this policy as comprehensive as possible, the ICTAUg reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to terminate or restrict the listserv access of anyone whenever the ICTAUg determines it is in our best interests to do so.


The ICTAUg is intended to provide a forum for sharing experience-based information. The ICTAUg, the forum, and/or the members of the forum leadership team will not be held responsible for the content of messages posted to the lists or actions taken by those who subscribe.


The ICTAUg has a well-defined Privacy Policy. It applies to the Forum just as it does to all ICTAU activities. It is important for anyone who wishes to share on the forum to read this policy. A direct link to this policy can also be found at the bottom of the ICTAUg home page.

Rules of the ICTAUg Forum

Please note: It is impossible for the ICTAUg or its forum  to review every message posted. The postings express the views of the author of the message, and not necessarily the views of the ICTAUg. The ICTAUg members does not actively monitor or screen and is not responsible for all of the messages and responses posted on the listservs. We do not guarantee the accuracy, comprehensiveness or usefulness of any message. If you find a posted message objectionable, you are encouraged to immediately contact the ICTAUg at secretariat@ictau.ug.

Message Rules

  1. You remain solely responsible for the content of your messages, and you agree to indemnify and hold harmless the ICTAUg with respect to any claim related to or arising from transmission of your message(s). We also reserve the right to reveal your identity in the event of an informal or formal complaint or legal action arising from any message posted by you.
  2. By subscribing to this service, you agree not to post any messages or responses that are false, inaccurate, abusive, offensive, obscene, sexually oriented, threatening or invasive of a person’s privacy or otherwise against any law. Further, you agree not to post any copyrighted material unless you are the owner of the copyright.
  3. Messages that overtly advocate for a political point of view that is not directly related to the ICT sector or that is potentially divisive should not be posted.
  4. Messages that undermine the ICT Association of Uganda (ICTAU) whether directly or indirectly are not acceptable whatsoever and members posting such will be automatically banned from the forum.
  5. Please note that solicitations, advertisements, chain letters, polls, surveys, and other material unrelated to the purposes of the forum are inappropriate and should not be posted here.
  6. By subscribing to the Forum, you agree to not use the medium to submit fraudulent or falsified information of any kind, impersonate any other person or entity, and/or misrepresent a connection or affiliation with any other person or entity. The ICTAUg reserves the right to pursue all appropriate actions regarding this practice.

The ICTAU reserves the right to remove anyone who does not follow the above rules from the forum. To assist you, please review the tips below for understanding and adhering to the above rules listed below the following netiquette items.


The successful and smooth operation of the forum requires some degree of lubrication through social norms. For the most part, these norms are obvious modification of normal social norms to the online world. However, the special nature of mailing lists requires some special considerations. To help the forum to support the mission of the ICTAUg, we respectfully ask for your cooperation in the use of netiquette.

Always remember that many other people will see anything you write. The forum currently include several subscribers. This means:

  • You should consider how anything you write might be taken by many people you do not know and who may differ in view and outlook from you.
  • Every message you write has to be read and dealt with by many others who all have many other responsibilities.

Please help by following these appropriate netiquette methods, which are also intended to make your message as effective as possible:

  1. Make sure your subject line is informative. The list often sees missing subject lines, or subject lines that have little to do with the mail content. If you are replying to someone else’s message, please check if the subject line still makes sense, or needs to be changed.
  2. Please “trim” quoted text. When you respond to someone, don’t automatically include the full text of the message you are responding to. Delete it if possible, or merely leave a line or two of their message for context. Consider using reply prefixes. In this style, the portion of the message you are replying to is prefixed, generally with a “>” character. This makes it easy to “have a conversation” with the original message, rather than forcing the reader to scroll down to find the context for your message. At least please try to trim the text and items at the end inserted by the listserv and any email service the original poster used. Not only does the extra text make it harder for readers of your message to know what you are responding to, it also makes it more expensive for the TS Alliance, which generously funds the archives.
  3. Feel free to reply privately. Often, posts are to the effect of “good point” or “congratulations” or “prayers are being sent your way.” While these messages do create a feeling of community, it may be more appropriate to send them directly to the person you are responding to, rather than to the entire group.
  4. Please don’t write messages in ALL CAPS. It is generally frowned upon because it is hard to read and feels like “shouting” to many people. If you have trouble using the Shift key, an all lower case message is easier to read and more polite than an all upper case message, but a normal mixed case message is preferable.
  5. For the sake of your privacy and online safety, please try to avoid posting your personal contact information (phone number, address) directly into list e-mails. The messages go into the archives and can then be accessed by the general public. Personal contact information is better shared in private e-mail.
  6. Please avoid copying/pasting the full contents of web pages to listserv messages. If a web page appears to have direct benefit for those affected by ICTAUg and its content does not risk violation forum message rules, an Internet link to the page can be posted in the body of a message. There may be exceptions to this request; when in doubt, please inquire of your Discussion Support Team.
  7. It’s important to remember that the online community consists of subscribers of many creeds and orientations, and they will have varied personal beliefs. Please respectfully try to ensure that your messages will not offend someone who might not share your personal religious beliefs.

Online Rules Summary

  • You may never post any message to the list that violates these policies. If you wish, at any point, to provide ideas, help, or advice that violates the rules of this list, you must do so off-list (i.e., as a private message directly to a list member).
  • The Leadership Team has the responsibility of determining whether posts have met the terms of these rules. People who violate these rules can be removed from the list.
  • Minor or inadvertent violations will usually be first warned privately and may, at that point, be required to have postings reviewed by a list manager.
  • If you notice a posting that seems in violation of these rules, or has some other feature that disturbs you, it is better to write to the forum Leadership Team members or to the Technical Working Group than to post a complaint to the list. Be assured that we will work to resolve the problem as quickly as possible; contacting us directly prevents an out-of-control situation and avoids hard feelings on the list itself.
  • In addition, you may always write a private email off-list.


We welcome member participation!  Subscribed members of the Forum email lists can send comments, complaints, or compliments (CCC’s) privately to the ICTAUg Administrator Group .  The contacts may not be members of the active Forum Discussion Support Team, but have been carefully selected by the ICTAUg to objectively support members.  The CCC Group  will personally handle your message and ensure that  issues are addressed respectfully and appropriately.   Their personal  identities will remain private,  and they will not share identity information of those who write in with anyone without the express written permission (in email) of the senders.  The email address to which comments can be sent is board@ictau.ug.


Please contact: Forum admins at secretariat@ictau.ug.