The ICTAU is pleased to announce the following decisions and changes, arising out of an extraordinary meeting of the ICT Association of Uganda (ICTAU) held on Tuesday 18th October 2016, in Kampala:

  1. The meeting decided that an interim board of directors be installed immediately to lead the Association through the current transition until such a time when an AGM can be held and a new substantive Board of Directors is elected.
  2.  At the meeting, seven (7) members were nominated to form an Interim Board of Directors until an AGM is held. The meeting passed a resolution for the seven nominated members to assume office with immediate effect.
  3.  The following constitute the new interim Board of Directors:
Title Office Bearer
1 Chairman Albert Mucunguzi
2 General Secretary Maureen Agena
3 Treasurer Ronald Sebuhinja
4 Director Simon Kaheru
 5                   Director James Makumbi
6 Director Steven Kirenga
7 Director  Boaz Shani                                        

4.The Interim Board of Directors will communicate, within a seven-day period, a date for the Annual General Meeting.

The ICTAU sincerely appreciates the time and effort of the outgoing Board and appreciates the hard work and commitment given to the Association thus far.
The Association remains committed to building a strong, unified ICT industry voice that will promote a competitive ICT sector in Uganda, with greater impact within the country and the region.

Albert Mucunguzi
Interim Chairman