How To Rebuild A healthy Life After Addiction

With the growing awareness of addiction, comes a more comprehensive approach to recovery and greater knowledge of what it takes to rebuild a life after addiction. The idea of rebuilding one’s life in recovery is much more than simply abstaining from future drug use. Addiction is a life-threatening illness, but recovery should be a time of thriving and gratitude in a commitment to a full and healthy life ahead.

Instead, imagine it’s true, and you might just find that it is. Do anything and everything to make yourself feel stronger, calmer, and focused. We have expert addiction specialists standing by ready to speak confidentially with you. Now, you seemingly have all the time in the world and don’t know what to do with it. You can ask questions about our program, the admissions process, and more. Congratulations on this opportunity to restart a new life and become the best version of you.

Where to Live After Drug Rehab

Your counselor will assist you in this effort but the definitive decision on what to share and not to disclose is ethically and legally yours. Clarifying your plans before you start work will put you in charge – not only in interviews but in your personal life after addiction as well. Once you’re out of substance abuse treatment, you might feel unproductive and lazy. But it’s time to fill your life with productive, uplifting, and enjoyable activities. Try volunteering, continuing education or pursuing other rewarding hobbies for a new life that is good for you. Your past substance abuse may have led to forget about the things you once loved to do.

What are the 5 pillars of recovery?

  • Maintain rigorous honesty. In addiction, our lives were built upon lies and false narratives we told ourselves and others.
  • Expose your secrets.
  • Let go.
  • Remember you aren't alone.
  • Know you matter.

One of the worst things you can do during life after addiction is isolate yourself from your friends, your family members, and others who helped you battle your demons. If you are working on your recovery, here are nine actions you can take to start building a life after addiction. Remind yourself that addiction is a serious disease and not a personal failure.

How to Build a Life After Drug Addiction

rebuilding your life after addiction can lead to a number ofbehavioral changesthat can create trust issues within your relationship. Perhaps you said you had stopped using or downplayed how often you were drinking or taking drugs. Maybe you stole personal belongings or fell into debt financing your addiction. You may have even disappeared for long periods on end and left your loved ones feeling abandoned and worried. Sobriety, recovery and a full, rewarding and satisfying life are waiting for you.

  • No one was mad at me, they all understand I need to do whatever I need to in order to stay sober on a daily basis.
  • They will be able to help you identify the things you did and said to hurt the people you care about.
  • Aspects of your physical, mental, and spiritual recovery are discussed, including healing relationships, taking better care of yourself, and finding new ways of living.
  • If you’ve found yourself in this situation, it’s because both you and your loved one are committed to recovering and improving the relationship.
  • This is a healthy conversation for you and for them, and will put everything out on the table.

The only person you should be comparing yourself to is yourself. Write down things you like about yourself and focus on your strengths, talents, and accomplishments. Self-esteem is defined as a person’s overall sense of his or her value or worth. Some factors include life experiences, age, health, and personality.

Dual Diagnosis Treatments

Get to work on time, show up places when you said you would, build a healthy lifestyle and stick to it. Learn more about the on-going support rehab aftercare can offer or check your insurance coverage for addiction treatment benefits. Rebuilding your life after addiction also includes returning to a full and satisfying social life without substances. If every party, every gathering and every event in your past life involved drugs or alcohol, it may feel weird at first to join in the festivities without a drink in your hand. This is where finding new hobbies, shared experiences, and making new friends comes into play.

Finding new hobbies is easy; try by volunteering, pursuing further education, or other positive and fulfilling hobbies to keep new life on the right path. Also, avoid letting such disappointments negatively affect you. It’s easy to become discouraged and stop moving forward when situations like this occur. But, setting boundaries will help to prevent you from over-exerting yourself.

Preventing Relapse

Many family and friends are going to be wary that you’re going to start using again. They have heard all our excuses and promises a million times and our words don’t hold much weight. You need to find out what things help keep you sober, what things are positive and beneficial to rebuilding your life, and what things are going to be negative. People getting out of rehab or a correctional facility often get a treatment plan to take with them. Your recovery program is going to have similar things that your treatment plan does.

struggling with substance