Membership Type, Fees and Benefits

Individual Membership Individuals: 200,000UGX

  • Accreditation and Branding use as per guidelines
  • Access to ICTAUG Events
  • Free ICTAUG Badge

Students: 5,000UGX

  • Career Guidance
  • Access to ICTAUG Events
  • Accreditation and Branding use as per guidelines
  • Free ICTAUG Badge

Educational Institutions

Secondary Schools: 2,000,000UGX

  • Accreditation and Branding use as per guidelines

Tertiary Institutions: 2,000,000UGX

  • Accreditation and Branding use as per guidelines
  • ICTAU Seminars

Universities: 2,000,000UGX

  • Accreditation and Branding use as per guidelines
  • ICTAU Seminars

Non-Government Organizations

Tier 1: 2,000,000UGX

  • Accreditation and Branding use as per guidelines

Tier 2: 2,000,000UGX

  • Accreditation and Branding use as per guidelines

Government Departments: 2,000,000UGX

  • Accreditation and Branding use as per guidelines

  • Private Companies

Level 4: Small Size Enterprises (below 15 Employees): 2,000,000UGX

  • Accreditation and Branding use as per guidelines.

Level 3: Medium Size Enterprises (above 15 employees): 2,000,000UGX

  • Accreditation and Branding use as per guidelines
  • Brand Recognition on certain ICTAU Merchandise as per Level 3 Merchandise Guidelines.

Level 2: Large corporations not directly in the ICT industry: 2,000,000UGX

  • Accreditation and Branding use as per guidelines
  • Brand Recognition on certain ICTAU Merchandise as per Merchandise Guidelines

Level 1: Large corporations directly in the ICT industry: 2,000,000UGX

  • Accreditation and Branding use as per guidelines
  • Brand Recognition on certain ICTAU Merchandise as per Merchandise Guidelines
  • Accreditation and Branding use as per guidelines
  • Brand Recognition on certain ICTAU Merchandise as per Merchandise Guidelines