
Dear Members,


Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) is a broader term for Information  Technology (IT), which refers to all communication technologies, including the internet, wireless  networks, cell phones, computers, software, middleware, video-conferencing, online social  networking, courier services and other media applications and services. A number of our policies  and procedures are under review to enable us to align with the broad scope of ICT and its expansion  in various sectors in Uganda.  

As per the ICT Association of Uganda Limited members constitution,  

Section 1.4: Directors may prescribe and or amend the requirements and or criteria applicable  to each Membership including the fees structure, benefits sub-categories and any other eligibility  criteria. 

In a management meeting held on the 20th March 2021, 9:00am at the Innovation Village, Ntinda,  a resolution was presented and passed by the board members present to change the membership  fee as listed below effective 1st June, 2021.  

The membership tiers and their respective new annual rates are highlighted as below; 

  1. ICT Students and Teachers membership: 5,000 Ugx 
  2. Individual membership: 200,000 Ugx 
  3. Companies, NGO’s, Educational Institutions, Government agencies / Bodies: 2,000,000 Ugx 

Please forward any questions or clarification on the membership rates in writing to; Email: and cc

Yours sincerely,
Elizabeth Ntege,
Chairperson, Board of Directors