Extraordinary General Meeting Notice


 30th September 2020

Dear Members,


In line with the constitution of the association and in the context of our Strategic Plan you are hereby invited to an extraordinary members meeting which will take place on Thursday 22nd October 2020 at 4:00pm East African Time (EAT), the meeting will be held online.

The ICT Association of Uganda aims to, among others, present and adopt constitutional amendments for improved governance and members service delivery.


  1. Introductions and confirmation of presence of quorum
  2. Communication from the Chairman
  3. Presentation of proposed constitutional amendments
  4. Consideration and adoption of proposed amendments by members
  5. Presentation of short-term interventions to improve services
  6. O.B

Members will confirm participation by registering on the link that will be sent a week prior to the event.

Yours sincerely,

Cedric Anil Ahebwa, ICTAU Secretariat.


Instructions for participation

  1. Meeting login details

In order to access the meeting, shareholders or their proxies should login through the Zoom meeting platform link that will be shared a week prior to event.

2. Review of amendments

Proposed amendments will be circulated to members via e-mail a week before the meeting. They will also be made available for perusal on the Association website www.ictau.ug 

3. Proxies

A member who is unable to attend the AGM may appoint a proxy to attend the meeting on his or her behalf.  Click here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bD_VktpDiL_FBgk5oiK9VWLVOtWPU-NZt14fLZEBbb0/edit?usp=sharing to download the proxy form. Duly completed proxy forms must be emailed to the secretariat at address secretariat@ictau.ug to be received at least 48 hours before the meeting