ICTAU Releases 3-year Strategic Plan

Kampala, Uganda: As the ICT Association of Uganda gathers for its 2018 Annual General Meeting (AGM) set for December 15th, the ICTAU board has released its strategic plan for 2018 – 2021.

ICTAU is the umbrella organisation for private sector stakeholders within the ICT industry, and seeks to champion digital inclusion, providing a range of benefits and support to its member organisations, and advocating on behalf of and for the whole ICT industry and practitioners within the industry to see the industry succeed and grow, and ultimately deliver the maximum economic, social and development benefits to Uganda.

The Strategic Plan outlines the objectives the Association will pursue over a three-year period, including membership growth, setting up of a self-sustaining and profit-generating Secretariat, consolidation of member services portfolio, continuing to lead on ICT advocacy, and conducting industry research to ensure the policies are formulated on the basis of detailed industry information.

“Over the next three years, ICTAU will seek to consolidate its position as the primary private sector led membership organisation for the ICT sector in Uganda, and work to grow the number, capacity and engagement of its member companies and partner organizations and advocate for the sustainable and successful growth of the ICT industry in Uganda,” noted Albert Mucunguzi, the Board Chairman.

A copy of the Strategic Plan can be downloaded here.

As the ICT Association of Uganda welcomes its 2019 board, the 2018 board and secretariat thank ICTAU members for their continued engagement and commit to a smooth transition ensuring that the association will be in a strong position to achieve the objectives set out in our strategy and roadmap.

The ICTAU board extends special appreciation to the International Trade Center (ITC) team, led by Mr. Martin Labbe, the NTF4 Programme Manager, for supporting the development of this Strategy, as well as Mr. David Gass, Mr. Richard Okuti, and the wider NTF4 project team for their support in ensuring the strategy is developed.

Issued by the Secretariat.